Rubco Compund Mixing Plant

Rubber Compound Mixing Plant was set up as the first step towards manufacturer of tyre and other rubber based industrial products. Rubber Compound Mixing is the basic process by which rubber is mixed with carbon and other chemicals to make rubber compound of required specifications.
The three storied plant constructions has goat a total area of 60,000 Sq. Feet and the following storage facilities
Natural/ Synthetic Rubber -1000 Tons
Carbon Blacks- 300 MT
Process Oils- 50 KL
Chemicals / White fillers- 100 Tons
Master Batches / Final Batches- 300 Tons
Contract Mixing for tyre company
Custom made rubber compounds for non-tyre rubber products
Rubber Compound Mixing Plant commissioned in the year 2010 with state-of-the-art technology and machineries imported form world renowned manufactures like Ferrel Ltd, UK, Chronos Richardson (Zeppelin, UK), with a capacity of 150 MT of mixing per day.
The unit consists of two independent mixing lines F 270 Banbury and K4 Intermix. F 270 Banbury mixing machine was procured from Farrel Ltd., UK which gives consistent top quality rubber compound mix ensuring the environmental aspects of carbon black mixing process with advanced dust collection and fume extraction systems. The mixing line was provided with computerized auto feed system supplied by M / s. Chronos Richardson, England. The system has got facilities for feeding of carbon black, oils and polymers required. The plant is also equipped with 60 MT Capacity Weigh Bridge for weighing of incoming and outgoing materials. A full fledged Quality Control Laboratory equipped with advance equipments enhances the online process control and ensures the end product quality.
Salient Features
Ferrel make F270 Banbury Mixer run with 2000 Hp variable drive motor capable of running the mixer @ 0 – 60 RPM
Equipped with computerized Auto Feed System for polymer, carbon, oil and chemicals.
Facility for bulk handling of carbon black and oil.

Rubco Rubber Compound Mixing Factory,
Rubco Industrial Complex, KSIDC,
Valiyavelicham, Mooriyad P.O,
Koothaparamba, Kannur, Kerala – 670643